Name: Duck
Current City: Seadrift, Texas
Member since: 2011
Getting to know Duck
Why did you join the Official NASCAR Fan Council?
“I think that the voices of many are louder than the voice of one. I have seen NASCAR listen to us over and over. Racing now, is by far more exciting and the competition is much higher than ever before.”
How did you first become interested in NASCAR?
“I was always into speed. All through my younger years, I had fast cars, motorcycles and was looking for more speed. NASCAR is faster, with less control than anything I could even dream of in motorsports.”
What makes NASCAR special for you?
“The drivers and tracks which they compete on, requires professional attitude and skills that are one of a kind.”
Do you have any favorite NASCAR memories or traditions?
“I have watched the ‘Hendrick Boys’ drive for years. My favorite, 7 Times, I have watched from his start, when he wrecked everything he got into until now being one of the best drivers ever to run in NASCAR, has been a trip.”
If you could go to any NASCAR race/track, where would you go?
Do you have a favorite in any of the following categories?
Driver: “Jimmie Johnson.”
Track: “Texas.”
Memorabilia: “A closet full of 48 clothing.”
Where is your dream car?
“A 1957, 2-door red Chevrolet. I owned this car in 1965.”
What are some of your hobbies?
“Fishing is my passion. Our house is 1.6 miles to the boat ramp. I wade fish here in South Texas for speckled trout, redfish and flounder.”
From all of us at nascar, we thank Duck for his continued support and look forward to hearing from him in 2018.
Look for Duck on the Official NASCAR Fan Council page on NASCAR.COM.